Yakimtsev D.V. |
1 article
Hepatitis A waterborne outbreak model using agent-based approach and location intelligence to solve research and practical epidemiological problems |
Yakushin D.M. |
1 article
Informatization in public health: from standards to expert systems |
Yakushin M.A. |
1 article
Informatization in public health: from standards to expert systems |
Yaluplin M.D. |
2 articles
Regional laboratory information system. Features of construction |
Yankevich D.S. |
3 articles
Person-centered instruments in digital transformation of healthcare: ways to improve |
Yarotsky S.Yu. |
1 article
Informatization in public health: from standards to expert systems |
Yashina L.P. |
1 article
The role of health information technology in promoting patient safety |
Yeremchenko О.А. |
1 article
Artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare in the global patent ecosystem: 2000–2023 |
Yurovsky A.Y. |
1 article
Methodology and regulatory implications of ECG database formation for testing automated algorithms and artificial intelligence systems |
Yurtaeva V.R. |
1 article
Methodology and regulatory implications of ECG database formation for testing automated algorithms and artificial intelligence systems |