Articles filtered by author Eremenko A.N..
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MD&IT №2 2023
Successful efforts made to reduce incidence of tuberculosis have not translated into improved cure rates which remain low. This is largely due to long time for diagnosis, formation of drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during treatment, a large set of anti-TB drugs and adverse events during their use. Therapy regimens change and replace each other rapidly, clinical guidelines update more and more often.
This along with growing number of comorbidities of a patient, requiring multicomponent...
This along with growing number of comorbidities of a patient, requiring multicomponent...
MD&IT №4 2020
The regression models for prediction of contact holmium lithotripsy duration are given. Models are obtained on the basis of calculated and experimental data on duration of different stages of laser lithotripsy. They allow, based on the volume and radiological density of urinary stones and taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the patient, to calculate the expected time of complete fragmentation of the stones with a higher accuracy than on the factor of additional costs the known ...
MD&IT №2 2020
Introduction. Rational planning of use of the operating room and the high-tech equipment used at treatment of urolithiasis requires knowledge of time spent for ablation of uric concrements which in turn consists of time interval actually of stone breaking and time spent for additional actions: survey of the place of fragmentation, movement of laser fiber to the displaced stone, changes of caliber of an ureteroscop and so forth. Now there are no methods of calculation or prediction of these inter...
MD&IT №1 2020
Based on the analysis of foreign publications, a comparative characteristic of methods and models of prediction of surgical operations duration was carried out. The importance of estimating the accuracy of prediction the duration of operations for effective planning of the use of operating rooms and high-tech equipment is shown. Analyzed statistical and regression methods to predict the duration of operations, and the use of artificial neural networks to estimate the duration of an operation. Ma...