Rakhlevskiy A.M. |
1 article
Review of Russian-language Android apps for psychological well-being |
Rakovchen V.G. |
1 article
Moscow experiment on computer vision in radiology: involvement and participation of radiologists |
Ramaniuk T.I. |
2 articles
Modern technological solution for calculation APACHE II |
Raskolova M.O. |
1 article
Suppression of tumor growth using nonlinear control and self-organization algorithm |
Rauzina S.E. |
2 articles
Automated abbreviations recognition system for unified national medical nomenclature filling with using russian language unstructured text of articles |
Rebrova O.Yu. |
4 articles
A mathematical model for predicting the decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate at 12 months after parathyroidectomy in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism |
Redkokosh K.I. |
1 article
The concept of a multifunctional first aid service based on the content analysis of public web resources |
Reshetnikov R.V. |
1 article
Importance of artificial intelligence technologies to prevent defects in radiologist’s practice |
Reshetnikova P.I. |
1 article
Informatization in public health: from standards to expert systems |
Rezvova M.A. |
1 article
Machine learning in the detection of coronary stenosis problem solving |
Rimskaya B.A. |
1 article
Personnel education for digital healthcare and professional standards analysis |
Rodin S.A. |
1 article
Multimodal data analysis, “Human” and “Machine” approaches difference, social problematics of biomedical data collection and turnover |
Rogozhkina Yu.A. |
1 article
Approbation of self-remote monitoring in high-risk pregnant women |
Romanov A.I. |
1 article
Person-centered instruments in digital transformation of healthcare: ways to improve |
Romanov D.V. |
1 article
An empirical theory of the formation of emotional and volitional deficits in schizophrenia with a predominance of negative disorders, developed as a result of analysis of the relationship between clinical and genetic data with the JSM method for automated |
Ronzhin L.V. |
2 articles
Automated abbreviations recognition system for unified national medical nomenclature filling with using russian language unstructured text of articles |
Rossiev D.A. |
3 articles
Applications for storing patient’s medical data: systematic review |
Rubcova I.T. |
1 article
Automation of the regional register of persons needing palliative medical care in Krasnodar region |
Rublev V.YU. |
1 article
Comparative analysis of data synthesis methods in the task of predicting atrial fibrillation and in-hospital mortality in patients with coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting |
Rugol L.V. |
1 article
History of the development of geoinformation systems in the world and their use in healthcare |
Rumyantsev P.O. |
1 article
Multimodal data analysis, “Human” and “Machine” approaches difference, social problematics of biomedical data collection and turnover |
Ryabkov I.V. |
1 article
Information interaction model within the system for collecting medical statistics |