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MD&IT №4 2023
Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered one of the most promising directions in the digital transformation of healthcare. Such systems can improve the quality of therapeutic and diagnostic processes and the efficiency of planning and managing the healthcare industry. However, the potential of AI to enhance public health indicators and improve the functioning quality of the healthcare system is inextricably linked to ethical issues arising from the specific aspects of their creation...
MD&IT №4 2023
Aim. To demonstrate the special aspects of dataset creation for neuroimaging using the example of preparing a dataset with computed tomographic images of the brain with and without signs of intracranial hemorrhage.
Methods. The creation of the dataset is based on the methodology developed by the Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine (regulations for preparing the dataset), which is carried out in 4 stages: planning (selection of the necessary keywords for the...
Methods. The creation of the dataset is based on the methodology developed by the Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine (regulations for preparing the dataset), which is carried out in 4 stages: planning (selection of the necessary keywords for the...
MD&IT №1 2022
The rationale for use of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiology departments to analyze medical images in real-life clinical practice was studied in a multicenter prospective trial. This was a part of the “Experiment on the use of innovative technologies in the field of computer vision for the analysis of medical images and further use in the healthcare system of Moscow” taking place in 2020. The trial included 18 different AI systems and 538 participating radiologists, all working wit...