Articles filtered by author Almazov A.A..
MD&IT №2 2020
Actuality: evaluation system for healthsaving technologies innovation level development is defined by need of innovative healthcare development strategy implementation and insufficient definition of innovative healthcare technologies criteria. Implementation of new healthcare technologies into systemic healthsaving requires managerial decision making support for innovations integration. Goal: healthsaving technologies innovation level multicriteria evaluation scientific approval and development....
MD&IT №2 2020
Artificial intelligence technologies based physicians decision support systems is an important step of healthcare digital transformation. Despite of neuronet algorithms implementation into analytical systems benefits there are questions that have to be solved for digital healthcare successful launch. In addition to knowledge expert level for systems development and privacy warranties work with professional medical society and general public is essential for psychological and social barriers over...
MD&IT №2 2020
Most important task of healthcare is medical service continuous improving through implementation of new technologies. Modern technologies development is largely based on big biological data analysis. Ability to fully utilize modern technologies requires as new level of training for medical personnel, so reconsidering of professional standards with paying more attention to scientific and technical development.