Articles filtered by author Guryanova N.E..
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MD&IT №2 2022
The article considers the provisions of the draft convention on improving supranational legal regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) in the field of healthcare in the context of the development of innovative digital technologies. Specific proposals on the content of the project’s draft were formed, as well as individual proposals were identified on separate convention sections.
MD&IT №1 2022
The article discusses implementation of electronic medical records in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) countries. Several common and country-specific barriers have been detected. In order to harmonize the legislation of the EEU countries, the authors propose a supranational legal regulation of relations in the form of an agreement between the EEU countries. This could will be the starting point for the further development of supranational relations
MD&IT №3 2020
In the article, the authors analyze trends in the development of telemedicine in the subjects of the Russian Federation, and also conclude that the formation of the system is carried out at different rates. Determine that one of the main stages of development is the formation of a legal framework dedicated to this area. Based on the analysis of legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the implementation of telemedicine consultations, the authors present a General algorithm for con...