Articles filtered by author Kazakov I.F..
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MD&IT №5 2021
This mini-review covers the current situation in digital transformation, one of the leading trends in the evolution of health systems. The tasks of providing convenient access to health data and continuity of care are being solved successfully in many countries, including Russia. However, there are gaps in the areas of prevention, wellness, and patient-centeredness. These aspects were declared in several national programs, but still remain to be implemented due to the systemic limitations of the...
MD&IT №5 2020
Opportunities of healthcare informatization tools are closely related to and limited by requirements of the corresponding model of care. The paper covers specific features of biopsychosocial patient-centered (BPC) model and their implications for informatization. Some approaches to automation of BPC model are discussed: ecosystem architecture and patient-centered online platform that provides communication infrastructure for consumers and providers of health services. Operation principle...