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MD&IT №4 2023
The Unified national medical nomenclature (UNMN) has been under development since 2022 with using the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus and other sources. UNMN is a terminological system based on ontological approach and potentially applicable in Russian language medical text annotating. Currently, terms from different clinical branches are being added to UNMN utilizing both automatized and expert ways. Often in medicine abbreviations allow expressing the meaning of the concepts...
MD&IT №2 2023
Background. The revolutionary leap in Internet accessibility and the introduction of information technologies in all spheres of modern society have become significant reasons for the growing popularity of web applications providing personalized health information.
Aim. To conduct a comparative analysis of the online means of checking symptoms present in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.
Research methods. To achieve this goal on the basis of the information submitted in the review of...
Aim. To conduct a comparative analysis of the online means of checking symptoms present in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.
Research methods. To achieve this goal on the basis of the information submitted in the review of...
MD&IT №3 2021
Knowing the parameters of the infectious and epidemic process allows us to make a forecast and calculate the amount of exposure to infectious morbidity. On the basis of real data of registered cases of the disease, mathematical modelling of serial morbidity increases was carried out. The parameters and initial conditions of five viral infections (mumps, chickenpox, rubella, measles and viral hepatitis A) were determined. The reproductive number ranged at 2.4–5.3, while the oscillation am...