Articles filtered by author Tyufilin D.S..
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MD&IT № 4 2024
The introduction of digital medical services, which has been actively pursued in recent years in the Russian Federation, is aimed at improving accessibility of medical care and the convenience of patient interaction with the health care system. However, age-related barriers to the use of these services by the elderly can partially offset this potential. In this regard, this paper studies the most pressing problems in the use of digital medical services by patients of older working age and search...
MD&IT №2 2023
The article contains systematized and summarized data on the possible uses of metaverse technologies in practical healthcare in order to assess the prospects of their widespread use. We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for publications. The search resulted in 35 relevant articles published during 2021–2022 period.
Metaverses could be used both to create realistic immersive patient interactions and to improve diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation processes. The use of metaverses certainly has...
Metaverses could be used both to create realistic immersive patient interactions and to improve diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation processes. The use of metaverses certainly has...