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MD&IT №4 2023
Aim: To evaluate the experience of using software based on artificial intelligence technologies as part of the Moscow experiment on the use of innovative technologies in the field of computer vision for the analysis of medical images.
Material and methods: A retrospective study was conducted. The work includes the conclusion outputs of 3 AI services on 822 thousand fluorographic studies for the period from 05.01.2022 to 29.12.2022. Pathology was present in 28,341 studies (3.4%). The assessment ...
Material and methods: A retrospective study was conducted. The work includes the conclusion outputs of 3 AI services on 822 thousand fluorographic studies for the period from 05.01.2022 to 29.12.2022. Pathology was present in 28,341 studies (3.4%). The assessment ...
MD&IT №2 2023
Background. Presently, in diagnostic radiology, it is possible to use clinical decision support systems (CDSS) based on artificial intelligence technologies. These systems are integrated into medical information systems and/or federal health care information systems of the Russian Federation. The availability of a quality control system for diagnostic radiology enables impact evaluation of AI-based CDSS in the medical care. Moreover, the challenge of defect prevention in radiology with such CDSS...
MD&IT №4 2022
The paper covers international experience in regulating the use of medical data for the development of artificial intelligence systems (AI) using machine learning methods. High-quality medical data sets are required for successful implementation of AI in medical practice and for higher efficiency of clinical and managerial decision-making. Such data sets are impossible to acquire, store and use without appropriate legal and regulatory framework that takes into account the interests of all participants...
MD&IT №4 2022
Aim: to develop and test a methodology for assessing the maturity of healthcare software based on artificial intelligence (AI).
Materials and methods. The methodology for developing a maturity matrix for AI-based healthcare software is based on published data and on an analysis of our own practical experience obtained during the «Experiment on the use of innovative technologies in the field of computer vision for the analysis of medical images and further application in the Moscow healthcare system...
Materials and methods. The methodology for developing a maturity matrix for AI-based healthcare software is based on published data and on an analysis of our own practical experience obtained during the «Experiment on the use of innovative technologies in the field of computer vision for the analysis of medical images and further application in the Moscow healthcare system...